Winter Eliot 2015-2016 "Tending the Mythic Fire: Stories from the Heart of Winter" with Will Hornyak
Sunday, January 03, 2016 at 05:00 AM
Winter is the time for kindling, renewing and tending the mythic fire burning at the deepest core of our lives. Stories, poems, songs and dreams are a type of fire that can spark the imagination, warm the heart, illuminate the dark and draw people together around the light of shared experiences and understandings. Winter's darkness calls us to rest, sleep, and dream while the inner flame replenishes, renews and restores.
During this retreat we will be warmed and inspired by myths, songs and poems from the winter season told by storyteller Will Hornyak. Those stories will be the basis for sharing stories and insights from our own lives and experiences. We will create simple, fun and enjoyable rituals to embody the images and ideas that well up naturally from our stories and discussions. There will be an opportunity for the consideration of dreams and dream-work as an aspect of tending the mythic fire.
Storyteller Will Hornyak weaves a wide web of traditional myths, wisdom traditions and original stories into lively, participatory and engaging performances and workshops. An advocate for storytelling as a "change agent" within organizations and communities he has offered workshops and performances for the Oregon State Penitentiary (Salem), Multnomah County Juvenile Justice, the American Cancer Society, Intel, Doc Marten Shoes and numerous schools and colleges. Will teaches storytelling in professional communication at Marylhurst University and performs throughout the United States.