July Eliot 2016 "Creating a Climate of Justice" with Pamela Sparr
Saturday, July 23, 2016 at 01:00 PM
Join Pamela Sparr for a powerful, fun and highly interactive week exploring the theme "Creating a Climate of Justice." We'll be looking at the ways that climate change is offering our nation and world a tremendous opportunity to create what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called "The Beloved Community." There will be optional additional special activities for families with younger children, as well as teens and young adults.
We'll examine some of the environmental, economic, social, and human rights issues involved in climate change, focusing on water, food, and indigenous people's rights. We will delve into the meaning of climate justice and what a religious perspective brings to activism in this arena. Be inspired by stories from the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee's (UUSC) global partners and successful organizing happening around the U.S. Leave with ideas you can replicate in your community and personal "active hope" practices.
Pamela Sparr is the Associate Director for Justice Building with the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. She is responsible for leading a staff team that conducts advocacy campaigns, creates volunteer opportunities and congregational programs connected to UUSC's partners and issue priorities, and supports UU clergy and congregations in taking more prophetic justice stands in their communities. She serves on the Steering Committee of Commit2Respond, a climate justice initiative, which is a collaboration of eight Unitarian Universalist organizations.