Creative Arts Eliot 2017: Your Choice of Workshops
Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at 06:00 PM
Creative Arts Eliot 2017 – August 12-16, 2017
CAE 2017 promises to be a relaxing time for exploring your creativity! This smaller Eliot camp includes many of the Eliot activities we know and love—in-gathering, small groups, daily worship, evening activities, and waterfront swimming, with the added bonus of a morning workshop with an artist!
Children are welcome at Creative Arts Eliot. The morning children’s program generally includes a balance of active play and exploration with arts, crafts, and/or science offerings during the camp. The children’s program is not solely arts focused.
Writing through “The Woods” with Shannon Applegate
Name, frame, and shape personal narratives in the form of vivid vignettes that lantern life's chapters. Leave episodic recountings which bore you (and others) behind, as you explore a new writing path. Identify crossroads, detours, sequences and consequences, as you choose what to write. Count on having an experienced guide. Mind-mapping will provide direction and access insights as you proceed on this intriguing writing journey. Pack photos, and mementos to inspire you. Arrive at the point-of- departure digitally equipped or with pen and writing pad. We will write, write, write.
SHANNON APPLEGATE/ author...lecturer...writing teacher
Recipient of an Oregon Governor's Arts Award and other honors, Applegate has been teaching writing since the early 1980's. Her two books, published in New York, SKOOKUM: An Oregon Pioneer Family's History and Lore, and LIVING AMONG HEADSTONES: Life in a Country Cemetery, are both on Oregon's Best 100 list.
She also co-edited TALKING ON PAPER: Oregon's Letters and Diaries, a volume of the award-winning Oregon Literature Series. She has just finished a novel, MINUS TIDES.
Intro to Puppetry with Rob D’Arc
Puppeteer Rob D'Arc shares his love for the ancient art of puppetry with you, in this delightful hands on program where you will make fun puppets, and learn some of the secrets of puppet manipulation and performance! Several different styles of puppets will be explored, and a brief performance parade will be created by all participants!
Storytelling with Will Hornyak
Telling Stories Well
All good storytelling feels like a natural conversation between teller and audience. But how do we find the right place to start and end that conversation? What does the audience need to know to understand our tale? How much description is necessary and when do pauses and silence say more than words? These are among the questions that we’ll consider as we create a welcome place to tell and listen to stories. This is not so much a place for critique or editing, but rather a kind of birthing room for mid-wifing our stories into a tellable form. All are welcome regardless of experience. Please have a brief story or two in mind to tell. This can be a personal or traditional tale.
From American tall tales and Native American myths to Mexican fables, Russian fairytales and beyond, Will Hornyak weaves a wide web of beautifully crafted stories from oral traditions around the world. A strong performer with a love for the music and rhythm of language, Will fully engages his audiences in bringing traditional and original stories to life. He often shares the stage with audience members with lively participation stories.
Will teaches storytelling at Marylhurst University and performs at festivals, schools, theatres, pubs and churches throughout the United States. He has been a featured performer at the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, Tennessee and at numerous regional festivals. He was named Artist of the Year Young Audiences of Oregon and Southwest Washington. The National Storytelling Network awarded Will with the Brimstone Grant for his environmental education program: Living Streams: Stories for Healthy Watersheds. That program for K-6 schools, has educated and entertained over 60,000 students and teachers. He lives in Milwaukie, Oregon, not far from the Willamette River where he loves to paddle a canoe.
Painting & Collage with Sue Jensen
This class will focus on preparing collage papers primarily using printing methods and painting. We will design and make our own stencils and stamps for this out of foam plates, cardboard, and acetate. Afterwards, we will spend our time using these papers to create paintings, blending them with our paints. During this time, we’ll talk about composition, color theory and value emphasis.
Think about what sort of paintings you want to design. Would you like to create work based on a specific theme, or object? Or would you like to work in pure abstract? Bringing reference material along - photos from magazines or your own (please bring copies, not glossy, if you’d like to use actual photos), will help me help you to achieve your goal.
Plan to enjoy what you’re doing no matter the outcome!
Materials used: Acrylic paints, tissue and deli papers, brushes, old credit cards, small scissors, paper towels, water containers, writing implements, reference materials, and ideas. Spontaneity!
Beginning Ukulele with Nancy Stevens
Welcome to the beginning Ukulele workshop!
We will learn 10 chords, four strumming patterns, and perhaps a simple finger picking pattern. I will provide handouts. We will also learn to play a few familiar tunes by ear.
At August Eliot and Creative Arts Eliot, we had 18 people who learned to play. You do not need to have a musical background to take this workshop. However, it will be very helpful if you have your ukulele checked over at a music store before arriving. Be sure it stays in tune, which someone at the music store can tell you. Also please bring a tuner or share one with a friend. We have lots of fun. It is a supportive learning environment. We may also have a chance to lead a few songs as a group at a firelight.
You will leave camp with the confidence to play in several keys, ability to learn new songs, and play in a group. If you have any questions before camp, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or 541-388-0500.
Colorful Creations II with Jilly Watson (Jilly's workshop is full. Please select a different option)
Jilly Watson, artist and long-time Elioteer will be leading her second painting workshop at Creative Arts Eliot in the summer of 2017.
Jilly has loved painting since she was a child, and returned to her love of art and painting when she retired from teaching fifteen years ago. Jilly is an active member of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Jilly is also the President of the North Shore Artists’ Guild, and was chairperson for many years of the North Shore Unitarian artists’ group.
Jilly will be teaching the basic elements of composition, colour and value, while exploring the diversity of acrylic paints. Each morning the group will explore a different technique and composition that will help them produce a joy-filled colourful painting.
Each day, Jilly structures the class in a step-by-step process which helps beginners and enables more experienced artists to challenge themselves in different directions.
This year, the class will include flowers in their compositional efforts and painting using transparent layers as a technique. The class will explore medium as a texture base for parts of the painting. The class will also be encouraged to play with shapes and colour to create interesting landscape paintings.
Jilly is looking forward to another wonderful experience at Creative Arts Eliot 2017.
Photography with Martin Waugh
This is a course on the art, science, and imagination of photography. We will cover some of the technical issues, composition, applications, and practice of photography.
Our group meetings will be split between lecture/discussion and collaborative review of images. Field work with assignments will mostly be done outside of class time.
No prior knowledge of photography is required. Attendees will need to have a digital camera so we can take lots of pictures and share/review them. It will be helpful to have the instruction manual for the camera and a laptop for personal review/editing of images.
Topics covered:
- Camera theory/anatomy and types of lenses
- Equipment usage (camera, flash, tripod)
- Lighting theory and practice (shutter speed, aperture, ISO)
- Composition
- Digital issues (memory, compression, file types)
Martin Waugh is a regular July Eliot attendee and photography slide show coordinator. With a background in physics and computer programming, he also pioneered techniques in high-speed art photography of water drops and splashes ( His work has appeared in galleries and photography